Friday, October 18, 2013


So lately I haven't really posted or written anything at all other than what I need to write for school. I know it's no excuse but my life has gotten so hectic lately. I'm trying to finish my degree in four years, while simultaneously working approximately 20 hours a week. I was driving myself crazy with stress until I realized, "Wait. This is my life. Why am I running toward this future goal without paying attention to what's happening around me right now? Do I want to look back and realize that I blindly rushed onward without appreciating those little moments?" Don't get me wrong, I try to make sure that I keep on top of all of my work and get everything done, but if it gets put off for a few hours, what's the harm?
That's part of the reason I decided to start writing again. Writing always gives me such enjoyment and I can relay my thoughts and feelings just to clean everything up and think things through or I can create these fantastic stories or moments that have nothing to do with my life, yet everything to do with it. I may post things that have nothing to do with my life at all, yet the process of writing and mentally living through it helps change me as a person and as a writer.
These are my selfish 20's and it's time to focus on me.

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