Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Worth Of A Photo

I don't know why I love taking pictures so much. Maybe it's the way a picture turns out, just the beauty of the image. Or maybe it's my desire to chronicle every moment. We make memories every single day; maybe I want to keep all of them fresh. Maybe I want to be able to look at a picture and have memories come flooding back. The mind is a tricky thing...sometimes we forget things we thought we would always remember. I just want to capture everything that I can, so that when my memory starts to fade, I will always have the pictures. Every picture is, in essence, a memory. Whatever the person was doing at that time is captured forever, within the confines of the photograph. Sometimes, just looking at some of the old pictures makes me laugh. At other times, I cry. These emotions are good though. No matter what happens, I will always have the pictures to help me remember. Pictures are truly worth a thousand words.