Monday, August 2, 2010

Love with everything you have....

"Love me without fear, trust me without wondering, love me without restrictions, want me without demand, accept me how I am."

This quotes describes how a real relationship should be. I know that it's so hard to let your guard down, especially if you've been hurt badly in the past. The truth of the matter though is that you can't judge another person based on someone else. Everybody is unique, and just because one guy or girl hurt you doesn't mean the next one will.
Love me without fear...Let your guard down. If you care for a person let them know, because each day is precious and shouldn't be wasted. You should never keep everything bottled up inside because you're scared of what will happen if you let it all out. The only thing that you should be scared of is the fear itself. Yes, heartbreak is a scary thing and shouldn't ever WANT that...but you can survive it. I'm living proof of that. It's extremely difficult and trying but you shouldn't let your fear keep you from happiness.
Trust me without wondering...A relationship is nothing without trust. I mean that with every fiber of my being. If you can't trust the person that you're with, you don't truly want to be with them. Trust is one of the hardest things to come by in a relationship, but it's one of the most precious.  You have to have trust and faith in your significant other. If they really do love and care for you, then they're not going to cheat on you or hurt you in any way like that. Your pain is their pain. Push your doubts to the side and trust them.
Love me without restrictions...You shouldn't have rules and limits on your love. This also goes back to the trust thing. You're not this person's parent or guardian, so technically you really don't have a right to tell them what to do. You can advise them and give them your honest opinion but unless it's an issue that's part of your relationship, you truly have no say. You can't tell them which friends to have, where to go, what to eat, etc. I know that sometimes you might not like some of their friends, but no one asked you to become that unliked person's friend just because you're dating their best friend.  Maybe, that person helps your significant other in ways you can't see. The only thing you can do is believe in your love.
Want me without demand...Just like you can't give your partner rules, you also can't boss them around.  A relationship has to have two equal people, with the emphasis on equal. Both parties must have a say in relationship matters and be able to state their opinions without the other person telling them to shut up or getting mad at the opinion. A person should be able to be their complete self and not have to change for the person that they are dating.  If you tell them that they have to change certain parts of their appearance or personality, then you are not in love with that person because you cannot accept their flaws. No one is perfect so you shouldn't make demands upon others.
Accept me how I am...Something about this person made you fall in love in the first place. So when they start to bite their nails or do something else that makes you mad or irritated, just remember that everyone has flaws. Maybe they don't like how you always tap your fingers on the table, but they still love you no matter what.  Flaws and all...that's what you should love.  If someone doesn't love you for the person that you are, then you shouldn't be with them. The only person that you need to change for is yourself. Don't change, ever. If you change yourself to fit what someone else thinks is a better version of you then you're actually living a lie. There is nothing worse than lying to yourself because you have to be able to live with the person you've become.

Let go of fear.
Always trust.
No rules.
Love is equal.
Accept flaws.
But most of all, love with everything you have.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Look Past Perceptions

Sometimes, I wonder if people really know the real me. Yes, they know that I get straight A's and will more than likely get valedictorian of my class. I'm smart, big whoop! Most people just judge me based on that. "Oh, she's probably not going to be that much fun to hang out with since she's the "smart girl." I wish people wouldn't judge others based on stupid stereotypes. Yes, I get good grades. But I also play tennis. I love to sing; it's my passion. If I could have one wish, it would be that I could sing for a living. I get a sense of calm and release when I sing. If I'm having a bad day, I just go home and crank up my iPod. Music heals and soothes me in a way that nothing else can. Except for maybe writing. That is definitely in the top ten. People at my school really don't know that I love to write. They don't know that all of those poems I used to write all the time were my release from angst and hatred that swirled around me. If my middle school AIG teacher hadn't pointed me down the writing path, I'm not sure how I would have survived middle school. Writing helped me deal with my emotions and get them out, instead of letting them build up inside me and consume me. Yes, they are depressing but life isn't a fairytale. People don't understand that I've had my trials and I have inner scars from them. Everybody does go through depressing points in their life and I'm just thankful that I survived mine with minor scars. If only people could see past the shallow perceptions they have of me...they wouldn't know what to think. I'm more than what meets the eye. I'm a writer, a singer, an actress, a sister, a daughter, a best friend, a listener, a doer, a free spirit...basically, I'm just me.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I am a senior now. Those are five short words, yet they hold so much meaning within them. When you're in elementary and middle school you never really think about graduation that much; it's too far in the future and at that point your mind just isn't on something that's years away from happening.  Then, you actually enter high school.  Freshman year goes by pretty easily; there's a few changes from middle school to high school life but nothing that major.  Graduation still seems like a lifetime away and it's really not at the front of your mind.  As sophomore year gets underway, more work is being piled on you.  You have tougher classes and a few more tests.  Between the PSAT, the Writing Test, and various other EOCs, you're stressed enough without thinking about the life-changing milestone that lies in wait for you in only a couple of years.  Junior year brings with it a variety of new experiences: the SAT, prom, getting your class ring, and actually thinking about where you might want to go to school.  You feel a sense of panic start bubbling up, but you can easily repress it.  Summer vacation isn't that far away and you can relax and let your mind wander where it may.  Then, you get the notice in the mail. Senior pictures. As you're taking your drape picture, the reality actually begins to sink in. I'm graduating this year; there will be no more rushed conversations in the hallways, no scramble to get everyone to sign your yearbook in the last few weeks of school, no debate about where to sit for lunch. All of these things that seem so crucial right now will soon become bittersweet memories. Suddenly, you realize I'm about to leave behind everything I've ever known and venture out into the real world. I'm about to take a path that many others have walked, yet it is brand-new to me. The thought is so scary. It's been there before you now for four years. You've watched older brothers, sisters, cousins and friends walk across that stage and receive that sheet of paper that has the power to end one part of their lives and open up the door for something brand-new. You've known this day was coming, yet you shut your eyes to it. Every beginning has an end; and this end will be particularly bittersweet. You are no longer a child, you are now an adult. You will go out into the world and become the person you were mean to be. Are you ready?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Teenage Love & Heartbreak

It's so tough being a teenager; especially when love is involved.  Feelings and emotions will change suddenly, at the drop of a hat.  You can put your all into something, and the other person just all of a sudden says, "I don't feel the same anymore." It hurts when you put yourself out there, without any restraint, just to be crushed in the end.  Love isn't what hurts though. Heartbreak is the thing that hurts; love makes you feel better again.  True love doesn't change and doesn't fade away.  When you tell someone that you love them, you can't keep changing your mind as to whether you do or do not care for them.  If it's true love, you will not be confused as to how you feel. When someone hurts you and breaks your heart, you want your feelings for that person to completely disappear...but of course love doesn't work like that.  You're torn into pieces because they've hurt you so bad; yet you still love them and want to be with them.  It doesn't help matters when they keep telling you that they are still in love with you.  Your head and heart start fighting against each other; your head is saying that this person hurt you before so what is to stop them from hurting you again, yet your heart is brimming over with emotions and love for this person.  They were such a major part of your life and you feel that everything will be better again if they became part of your life again.  The thing is, you have to think your decision through with both your head and your heart. You have to be happy with yourself and your decision; your decision could make you get your heart broken again but you can't avoid heartbreak all your life. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


It's so hard to know what to feel. Your heart is telling you one thing, but your head keeps screaming another. Maybe that's how everyone feels or maybe it's just me. I really don't know but I'm lost.  I want to believe you and I want to always be happy but I'm not always happy.  Is it always supposed to be this complicated? Since it is complicated, is it wrong? I really have no idea anymore.  When we're together, everything is so simple and easy and effortless.  Why can't it be like that all the time? It just really upsets me when you hardly text me or anything at all. That may seem stupid or childish but it's the truth. I can't hide what I feel and though I can't quite explain why I feel the way I do, the feelings are definitely there.  Maybe we just need to talk and I mean really talk. Because, I feel lost and so confused. I'm hoping everything will work out because you are such a part of me now. It hasn't been that long, but we've gotten so close so quickly and I know it will tear me apart inside if something happens and I lose you.


Every beginning has an end. Whenever you start something new, somewhere in the back of your mind, you always know that it has to come to an end at some point.  Just like high school. When you're a freshman, you think that those four years are going to drag by and take forever to pass. Then, as you become a sophomore, you're always thinking, "Two more years!" Time seems to pass by quicker and quicker.  What you were once so eager for seems scarily near.  When you're young, you wish your days away.  You can't wait for this day or that month.  The older you get though, the slower you want time to pass.  The days slip away like quicksand.  The tighter you try to hold on to them, the faster they slip away.  You have to live each day as if it would be your last.  Don't worry about what happened in the past because it has ended.  It's gone and can never be changed.  Don't worry about the future because it hasn't happened yet and is always liable to be changed. You are not guaranteed tomorrow and future events are not set in stone.  Live for today and realize that many times in life, you are going to have to say good-bye.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Romeo, save me...

Romeo, save me. They're trying to tell me how to feel. This love is difficult, but it's real.
What you feel is something only you know. Those feelings may be expressed physically or verbally, but until you express them, no one knows what you truly feel.  No one can tell you how to feel, either.  Your life is yours alone and it was given to you for a specific reason, so make your own decisions.  If someone decides to hate you because of your decision, you know they were not your true friend to begin with.
Sometimes people will tell you, "You're too young. You haven't known each other long enough yet." But how can I deny what I feel inside my heart? How can I refuse to say what comes so naturally to me? How can I bury my feelings? The truth is I can't. Other people might have an emotionless front, but not me.  I feel with every iota inside of me. Truthfully, I can't hold anything back. If I'm going to feel something, I might as well let my emotions run amok.  When I love, I love with my entire heart and not one particle less. I cannot, no I will not, deny or hide what I feel

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

what's meant to be...

I saw a quote the other day "What's meant to be will always find its way." I believe this quote is so true. Things happen for a reason, whether they're good or bad. If something is meant to be, then it will be. If it's not then it's just going to fade away. Never be afraid to take chances. Even if everyone you know is against something, you should listen to your heart. Only you can tell yourself what to do and no one can live your life for you.  At the end of this life, you are the one who is going to be held accountable for everything you have done, so you should at least make the decisions your own.  If you're afraid to do something and keep waiting and waiting, then that "golden opportunity" may just pass you by. But, as I've learned recently, it can come again. Maybe there's something to be said for having to wait for it to come back around. Maybe it will be all the more sweeter for the time you had to wait. Maybe, just maybe....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Why do girls have to try and tear each other apart? I'm watching Odd Girl Out and it made me begin thinking. Why do girls have to bring each other down and hurt each other in the worst ways possible? There is no sense at all in people treating each other like that. If you don't like a person, just don't associate with them. Don't talk crap behind their back. If you have anything to say to someone, please please please say it to their face; because, frankly, if you say it behind their back, it will more than likely get twisted and convulted before it reaches their ears. Then, you have an even worse problem. And if you have opinion about someone, either tell them nicely or just keep it to yourself. Have tact! (haha Ms Shields, I said it! lol) And the problem isn't only with girls. A lot of guys have drama too. Some of them can be worse than girls!! I think it depends all on a person's personality. Let's all take a vow to be honest with each other and tell each other our honest opinion: but use tact!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Love is.../Amor es...

Love is…

Love is trusting someone with your heart
You give them your everything
They are a part of you

Love is caring even though they left you
You see them with someone else and you cry
You want them to be happy even if you are not

Love is wanting to try again with someone new
Life goes on and love comes again
Love is a circle, never ending

Amor es…

Amor es confiar en alguien con tu corozón
Tú les dos tu todo
Ellos son una parte de ti

Amor es cuidar aunque ellos te dejan
Tú los ves con alguien más y tu lloras
Tú quieres que ellos sean felices aun si no lo estás

Amor es quierar y tartar otra vez con alguien nuevo
La vida va y el amor viene otra vez
Amor es un circulo, que nunca termina

-Kristen "Natalia" Martin

Sunday, March 28, 2010

it's supposedly all about choice....

but why would you choose to take a human life? What I am talking about is abortion.  For my Civics & Economics class, we had to choose a court case to write about. I decided to write about Roe v Wade; mainly, because this issue is one that I've always felt strongly about.  My belief is that every life is worth living. As Mother Teresa says, "What is taking place in America, is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?" This is so true because i believe that abortion is murder.  Life begins at conception, not at birth and the baby is not allowed to decide whether it wants to live or not.  Also, in how many abortions are the father's feelings considered? Not that many would be my guess.  And there might be some people out there that would say, "Well just wait until it happens to you." I really don't care what these people think because I would either keep my baby or put my baby up for adoption if I became pregnant. I would not be able to kill the life within in by having an abortion.  My conscience would not allow me to do that. Also, if the sex was consensual, you should know that pregnancy can be an effect of sex. You should be prepared to deal with the consequences.  As you can tell I feel very strongly about this subject. It hurts me when someone just doesn't want a child and decides to kill it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Little About Me

Well first of all I decided to name my blog "randomly unique" because I'm definitely random and I believe myself to be me, being unique means that you are your own person and you don't try to be anyone else. I always try to be myself and live my life according to my own principles and morals. But going on to myself....I am seventeen years young. My name is Kristen Martin and my birthday is November 24, 1992. I believe in Jesus Christ and God with all my heart. I love the colors purple, lime green, black and yellow. My best friends mean the world to me...I couldn't live without them. I love to write, sing, and act...they help me express my emotions and keep myself grounded. I love playing helped me lose weight and made me really open up. I love texting because it helps me to keep in contact with all my friends. I hate backstabbing, lying, and cheating. Please don't associate with me if you over-indulge in those things. Well that's all for now, so...PEACE :)