Monday, August 2, 2010

Love with everything you have....

"Love me without fear, trust me without wondering, love me without restrictions, want me without demand, accept me how I am."

This quotes describes how a real relationship should be. I know that it's so hard to let your guard down, especially if you've been hurt badly in the past. The truth of the matter though is that you can't judge another person based on someone else. Everybody is unique, and just because one guy or girl hurt you doesn't mean the next one will.
Love me without fear...Let your guard down. If you care for a person let them know, because each day is precious and shouldn't be wasted. You should never keep everything bottled up inside because you're scared of what will happen if you let it all out. The only thing that you should be scared of is the fear itself. Yes, heartbreak is a scary thing and shouldn't ever WANT that...but you can survive it. I'm living proof of that. It's extremely difficult and trying but you shouldn't let your fear keep you from happiness.
Trust me without wondering...A relationship is nothing without trust. I mean that with every fiber of my being. If you can't trust the person that you're with, you don't truly want to be with them. Trust is one of the hardest things to come by in a relationship, but it's one of the most precious.  You have to have trust and faith in your significant other. If they really do love and care for you, then they're not going to cheat on you or hurt you in any way like that. Your pain is their pain. Push your doubts to the side and trust them.
Love me without restrictions...You shouldn't have rules and limits on your love. This also goes back to the trust thing. You're not this person's parent or guardian, so technically you really don't have a right to tell them what to do. You can advise them and give them your honest opinion but unless it's an issue that's part of your relationship, you truly have no say. You can't tell them which friends to have, where to go, what to eat, etc. I know that sometimes you might not like some of their friends, but no one asked you to become that unliked person's friend just because you're dating their best friend.  Maybe, that person helps your significant other in ways you can't see. The only thing you can do is believe in your love.
Want me without demand...Just like you can't give your partner rules, you also can't boss them around.  A relationship has to have two equal people, with the emphasis on equal. Both parties must have a say in relationship matters and be able to state their opinions without the other person telling them to shut up or getting mad at the opinion. A person should be able to be their complete self and not have to change for the person that they are dating.  If you tell them that they have to change certain parts of their appearance or personality, then you are not in love with that person because you cannot accept their flaws. No one is perfect so you shouldn't make demands upon others.
Accept me how I am...Something about this person made you fall in love in the first place. So when they start to bite their nails or do something else that makes you mad or irritated, just remember that everyone has flaws. Maybe they don't like how you always tap your fingers on the table, but they still love you no matter what.  Flaws and all...that's what you should love.  If someone doesn't love you for the person that you are, then you shouldn't be with them. The only person that you need to change for is yourself. Don't change, ever. If you change yourself to fit what someone else thinks is a better version of you then you're actually living a lie. There is nothing worse than lying to yourself because you have to be able to live with the person you've become.

Let go of fear.
Always trust.
No rules.
Love is equal.
Accept flaws.
But most of all, love with everything you have.

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