Sunday, March 28, 2010

it's supposedly all about choice....

but why would you choose to take a human life? What I am talking about is abortion.  For my Civics & Economics class, we had to choose a court case to write about. I decided to write about Roe v Wade; mainly, because this issue is one that I've always felt strongly about.  My belief is that every life is worth living. As Mother Teresa says, "What is taking place in America, is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?" This is so true because i believe that abortion is murder.  Life begins at conception, not at birth and the baby is not allowed to decide whether it wants to live or not.  Also, in how many abortions are the father's feelings considered? Not that many would be my guess.  And there might be some people out there that would say, "Well just wait until it happens to you." I really don't care what these people think because I would either keep my baby or put my baby up for adoption if I became pregnant. I would not be able to kill the life within in by having an abortion.  My conscience would not allow me to do that. Also, if the sex was consensual, you should know that pregnancy can be an effect of sex. You should be prepared to deal with the consequences.  As you can tell I feel very strongly about this subject. It hurts me when someone just doesn't want a child and decides to kill it.

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