Sunday, July 15, 2012


Warning: This is a really long, sporadic blog entry that doesn't quite live up to the title. My apologies in advance.

Okay this is going to be 100 things about me...but not the stupid things like "I'm Kristen Martin. I'm nineteen." No, this is going to be 100 random, crazy things about myself. Sometimes they might be stupid; but it's my blog, I write what I want. Which brings us to...1) I have an attitude. A massive one that sometimes I just let run its course. 2)I never thought I would want an Android phone. Blackberry, pshh. This Aviator is like a whole new world compared to my old Blackberry. 3)My tastes in music, movies and TV shows can be weird and all over the place. 4) Books are my drug. Get me a book and I will always love you. Screw one of my books up...hell hath no fury. 5) Never had an interest in tobacco or smoking. Ever. 6) I want to be a princess. Where's my tiara? 7) I don't want to be aloneeeeeee. 8) Lifetime movies are so not my thing. "My husband cheated on me." "My neighbor's a psycho." Been there, done that. 9) Procrastination. My picture is next to that word in the dictionary. 10) Ra ra ooh lala. Random songs. 11) Restraining myself from smacking people is one of my new talents. 12) What if I wrote a novel about my life, expose-style? Awesome sauce. 13) I can't say Florida correctly. 14) I like my friends more than some of my family. 15) I'm scared to death of losing my friends. 16) I've never dyed or highlighted my hair...but I've wanted to. 17) When I was little, I would have died to be a redhead. 18) DISNEYYY. 19) I want a fairy tale. 20) No, I want something real. 21)I used to hate pink, but my comforter is now pink. Twist of fate. 22) ZEBRA! I'm obsessed. 23) I wanted a tiger as a pet...then I saw The Hangover. Still wanted a tiger as a pet. 24) Channing Tatum is the hottest guy ever. 25) I never realized 100 was soooo far away. 26) My heart is purple and gold, I'm a pirate down to my soul. 27) Piracy is no big deal. 28) See what I did there? 29) I want a two story house. 30) DVR is my new best friend. 31) Animal commercials get to me. 32) I forget more things than I remember. 33) Overdramatic? Yes, I am. 34) I hate mornings. With a passion. 35). I can't do this anymore. 100 things is a really long list. list is 100 things about me subtract sixty-four.


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